



A Psychological Analysis of the Delusion Rubrics

Renowned homeopathic counsellor and author, Liz Lalor lectures and writes on the symbiotic relationship between mental and emotional disturbance, and physical pathology. A Psychological Analysis of the Delusion Rubrics is an extensive Materia medica adaption of her second book Homeopathic Psychiatry.

In its original form, Homeopathic Psychiatry combined homeopathic rubric-repertorisation and traditional counselling techniques to create an invaluable case taking manual. A Psychological Analysis of the Delusion Rubrics expands on this with a revised introduction, new Denial chapter and extended Materia medica to address the narrative behind the physical pathology.

Homeopathic analysis of disease concentrates on unearthing the peculiar within the patient’s story of their life. In this fresh adaption, Lalor focuses attention on the denial process of the patient as they negotiate illness. The peculiar in the patient’s narrative is the essence of the understanding of the use and meaning of the Delusion rubrics in case analysis.

This book is an invaluable guide – both for homeopaths and students of homeopathy – to fully understand these previously misunderstood and underutilized rubrics in our repertory.


  • This book is an extensive Materia medica.
  • A Psychological Analysis of the Delusion Rubrics explores the application and meaning of the Delusion rubrics in case-repertorisation.
  • Understanding the need for the psychological delusions within each of the constitutional remedy profiles will aid in homoeopathic remedy recognition.In analyzing and explaining the meaning of each individual Delusion rubric, this book uncovers previously unexplored explanations of the psychological delusional state inherent in each Delusion rubric and each homoeopathic remedy.
  • A Psychological Analysis of the Delusion Rubrics offers insights into the psychological meaning of the Delusion rubrics and into the psychodynamic illusions of the mind that each patient reveals within their disease state and their psyche.
  • Homoeopaths discover what trauma patients have experienced in their lives. In psychotherapy it is known as the patient’s original psychodynamic trauma. In homoeopathy it is known as the ‘never-well-since-event’.A Psychological Analysis of the Delusion Rubrics will help homoeopathic practitioners, and students of homoeopathy discover how patients have interpreted those traumas in a disproportionate way consistent with the psychiatric definition of a psychological delusion.
  • A Psychological Analysis of the Delusion Rubrics helps homoeopaths and homoeopathic students discover how our patients have been affected by the trauma in their lives.The role of a homoeopath is to investigate why the patient needs to reconstruct, or reinvent, or reinterpret reality. This reconfiguring of reality is called denial. After trauma it is very common to reinterpret reality. The role of the homoeopath is to find out how our patients have interpreted the traumatic event in their lives. It is normal if we have experienced trauma that we can go one of two ways: either we react hysterically to every perceived stress; in case-analysis this is repertorised using Delusion rubrics for abandonment. Or we become ‘super positive’. In case-analysis this is repertorised using Delusion rubrics for Denial. The role of a homoeopaths is to discover how patients have been directly, or overtly affected by trauma.

    The Mind section of the homoeopathic repertory contains the Delusion rubrics. These are the rubrics which are applicable in the case analysis if the patient displays psychological delusions. The rubrics in the repertory which resonate with a conflict matching the psychological delusions can only be Delusion rubrics because these rubrics indicate an exaggerated reactive thought process. A Delusion rubric applies to the case analysis when a patient misrepresents and misinterprets reality in a disproportionate or hysterical way consistent with the psychiatric definition of a psychological delusion.

    In the application of a Delusion rubric (in case-taking) the homoeopath seeks to understand why the patient has set up the delusional state and why they need to maintain the misrepresentation, or hysterical reactivity to everyday life.

    This understanding in homoeopathic case analysis is an integral part of case-taking which will indicate the simillimum in the case. In a psychiatric consultation, the psychoanalyst also seeks to understand the need behind why the patient has created the psychological delusion to avoid the reality of everyday life. In both modalities – psychiatry and homoeopathy – the psychological delusion is recognized as being injurious to health and recognized as the first indicator of potential illness across all levels – the emotional, mental and physical. That is where the similarity between the two modalities end.

    As homoeopaths we need to find ‘why and how’ our patients cannot face everyday reality after trauma, and exactly ‘why and how’ they have created a story around and over their trauma to protect even their own memory from ever knowing it was there. Often unravelling trauma is like peeling back layer upon layer of bubble wrap which our patients have wrapped around themselves to buffer any future blows from life. The difficulty in that sort of solution is of course that the patient themselves discovers not only have they protected themselves from future bruising with the layers of bubble wrap; they have also covered up their own emotional feeling to life itself.

    Furthermore, the memory of the trauma is under so many layers of bubble wrap that the patient has lost their memory of what the trauma looked like originally; hence the memory grows out of proportion to reality. That is the start of the delusion.

    When we hide trauma it is like hiding a secret, the hold it has on us grows out of proportion to reality, and we recreate a story around that trauma to protect it like bubble wrap. The difficulty is that the story is rewritten and misinterpreted and is no longer a simple truth it is an exaggerated or hysterical disproportionate truth. That is the start of the delusion in homoeopathy known as ‘never-well-since-event’.

  • A Psychological Analysis of the Delusion Rubrics helps homoeopaths and homoeopathic students find the layers of bubble wrap which cover our patient’s traumas.Lalor outlines the psychodynamic application of the Delusion rubrics in case-development. Lalor has identified five stages that a patient will progress through in case-taking. Lalor has formulated these stages into a psychotherapeutic model which follows the psychological steps that the patient will move through in a homoeopathic consultation as they struggle to acknowledge, or resign themselves to, their loss of good health. The five stages are the five layers of bubble wrap which a patient will use to disguise the reality of their past trauma from themselves.

    Recognizing the psychological stages will assist in finding the simillimum because it allows you to narrow down the remedies being considered in case-taking to the remedies listed in those particular rubric-categories.



The Author of A Psychological Analysis of the Delusion Rubrics


Liz Lalor has thirty-six years of experience in homeopathic counselling and somatic homeopathic psychotherapy. She has a thriving practice in Melbourne and has also taught extensively throughout Australia and Europe. Liz’s first book A Homeopathic Guide to Partnership and Compatibility was the first homeopathic Materia medica to be sold in mainstream bookshops in Australia. Her second title Homeopathic Psychiatry has been used extensively by homeopaths worldwide to improve their counselling techniques and to assist in interpreting their patient’s dialogue.

Lalor is also well recognized for her successful fertility program. She has worked with 396 different women and has been successful with 348 babies born. She has written articles on Vannier and her homeopathic approach to infertility in Similia, Homoeopathic Medical Panorama and Homeopathy in Practice, Homeopathy International and Links. Liz has also had further articles published in the American Journal of Homeopathy.


Praise for A Psychological Analysis of the Delusion Rubrics

Liz Lalor's book the homeopathic psychiatry explores humanness within remedies and reflects the remedy back to the psychodynamic delusion. It makes a difference in understanding my client's needs with incorporating Elizabeth Kubler Ross's 5 stages of grief and guides me in the right direction of support. A wonderful desktop companion for my device and clinic desk.


Sally Bevan



Sally Bevan


Liz Lalor’s book the homeopathic psychiatry explores humanness within remedies and reflects the remedy back to the psychodynamic delusion. It makes a difference in understanding my client’s needs with incorporating Elizabeth Kubler Ross’s 5 stages of grief and guides me in the right direction of support. A wonderful desktop companion for my device and clinic … Continue reading testimonial 1

My entire understanding of delusion rubrics, how to decipher them, and subsequently how to apply them to my case-taking, changed considerably for the better once I had read this very insightful book. Liz's experience with psychotherapy, coupled with her deep understanding of remedies and their psychological profiles, has enabled her to author a book of great significance and profound assistance to the practising homoeopath. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to more effectively understand the delusion rubrics, what they really mean and how to apply them in case analysis.


Carolyn Graham

Noosa Homoeopathic Clinic


Carolyn Graham

Noosa Homoeopathic Clinic

My entire understanding of delusion rubrics, how to decipher them, and subsequently how to apply them to my case-taking, changed considerably for the better once I had read this very insightful book. Liz’s experience with psychotherapy, coupled with her deep understanding of remedies and their psychological profiles, has enabled her to author a book of … Continue reading testimonial 2